There’s got to be some comedy writer for Saturday Night Live that can pick up on Sarah Palin’s international expertise: “They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska. From an island in Alaska.”
Call her bluff!! Ask her, “When have you gone to that island, to look at Russia?” Then you have a skit where Sarah takes a trip to go sit on an icy rock and look over at more icy rocks. Kind of a Waiting for Godot meets Gidget moment. We can hear her internal monologue about what Putin might be doing while she throws snowballs at the seagulls and tells the sea lions to shut up or she’s gonna shoot them.
And then a whale swallows her. Wait, that was Pinocchio. Was it my imagination, or has Sarah’s nose grown recently?
Postscript: I posted this before Kos did his at the DailyKos.
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