Disclaimer: I was drinking during the debate. It was just some cheap red wine, but it made the debate easier to take.
John McCain touts that his cost cutting would shave 18 billion off the budget, or some such “puny” number. But with the recent bandying about of 700 billion that essentially his (Republican, led by Phil Gramm, his advisor) deregulation has cost the tax payer, what he saves is piddling.
It’s smooth for Barack to laugh at McCain’s jokes. He seems to actually laugh when McCain wants people to laugh. Whereas McCain smirks when Obama attacks, as if to say, “Jeez, this guy is an idiot.”
I’ve got to credit that Naval Academy graduate who finished in the bottom 1% of his class—he has overachieved.
The mother of the dead soldier says “Don’t let my son’s death be in vain.” Why don’t we ask the mothers of those living if they want their sons and daughters to die, so that the first man to die won’t have died in vain? Good thing that Obama had a bracelet from another mother, who didn’t want any more to die. The media needs to analyze what sacrifice John McCain is making to support the war.
Does traveling to Iraq do any good for the leader of the troops? Perhaps to buck up the troops’ morale, but not to learn anything new. What McCain is talking about is field research. I’ve done field research, and in a place that wasn’t a war zone. The truth is hard to see on the ground, much less when you're wearing a flack jacket. More important than going yourself, is to find trustworthy people on the ground. Bush has not done that.
Spain is a democracy. Venezuela is a democracy. Actually all of the states in Latin America except Cuba are democracies. Will they be in McCain’s league? Will they get to wear superhero costumes? Capes are out.
In the discussion on Russia, Senator Obama classified Venezuela as a rogue state. I would like to hear the facts on how Venezuela is a rogue state. Seems to me that he can’t be open-minded about Hugo Chavez, because to do so would lose those independents who have swallowed the Edward Bernays spin on Venezuela.
Gotta stop now. My typing is gettting slurrred.